Health and Safety Policy
Employee attrition and absenteeism can be major obstacles. When you create a healthy and safe workplace, you reduce those issues in several ways. By budgeting for safety improvements and making safety
part of your operational plan, you engender trust.
Metro Planned Developments CC takes the safety and welfare of our staff and anyone engaged by, or working with, Metro Planned Developments CC , very seriously.
Our Health and Safety Policy plays an important role in setting and making clear the standards of health and safety that we apply in our business.
All staff, contractors and workers and other persons affected by the work we undertake are covered by Metro Planned Developments CC ’s health and safety policy.
Our policy is listed briefly and maintains to:
a ) Understand the health and safety risks arising from our work activities.
b) ensure adequate control of those health and safety risks.
c) consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety.
d) provide and maintain safe plant and equipment.
e) ensure safe handling and use of substances.
f) provide the necessary information, instruction and supervision for employees.
g) ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training.
h) prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill-health.
i) maintain safe and healthy working conditions
j) review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.